Deadheadland TV  Live Streams

Help on The Way - Stream Viewing tips

While we recommend Chrome, if you are using Safari, please do the following steps:

  1. 1) Go to Settings
    2) Click "Privacy and Security"
    3) Disable "Prevent cross site tracking" and "Block all cookies"
             You may have to refresh your page after these steps.  

Mobile Devices:
Streams are usually viewable on recent model phones & tablets, using Chrome browser for best results.
For the best and most enjoyable experience, we suggest you use a computer or laptop.  This will also be the best way to interact in the chat!

ADVANCED SETUP ideas to maximize your experience and HAVE THE BEST COUCH TOUR EVER!

Sound is more enjoyable with headphones or external speakers.

Computers and phones usually have audio out to connect to headphones or speakers, or a sound system auxiliary input; or you can use Bluetooth to connect on many devices too.*

Chromecast! Roku! Fire TV! Apple TV! Smart TVs!

So many choices, and they work great once you learn how to do it.*

Watch on a TV & Entertainment System

Many computers have HDMI, or other outputs, that can connect to a TV for sound and video.
There are many ways to connect, depending on your setup.*

*Please refer to the instructions for your devices on how to set up and use their features, and what connectors, adapters, or dongles you may need.  
Please refer to manuals or instructions, or online help forums or videos, for your specific device(s), system, and setup

Pro Tips:
#1  Test out your advanced set up BEFORE the night of the stream you want to watch.
       If you have anything to troubleshoot, take care of it before the big night!
       Then you can relax and have the ultimate stream experience!

#2  Reboot everything 20 minutes or so before the show begins, to refresh your whole system.